然而你知不知道,久坐行为(sedentary ['sɛdntɛri] behavior)会加大心血管病、肿瘤和死亡风险,成为我们生命的慢性杀手。
有没有发现,如果你坐得过久,就会浑身难受。(The longer you stay put, the more agitated your body becomes.)
Inside us are over 360 joints and about 700 skeletal muscles that enable easy, fluid motion. The body's unique physical structure gives us the ability to stand up straight against the pull of gravity. 人体内部有360多个关节和约700块骨骼肌,以实现自如、流畅的动作。人体特有的生理结构让我们有了直立的能力,抵抗重力的影响。
Our blood depends on us moving around to be able to circulate properly, our nerve cells benefit from movement, and our skin is elastic, meaning it molds to our motions. 血液想要正常循环就得依赖于身体的活动,神经细胞也从中获益,我们的皮肤有柔韧性,意味着它能够随着我们的动作而拉伸改变。
Your spine is a long structure made of bones and the cartilage discs that sit between them. Joints, muscles, and ligaments that are attached to the bones hold it all together. 脊柱是一个长条的结构,由骨骼和软骨盘相间构成。关节、肌肉和韧带依附在骨头上,将脊椎连结成为一个整体。
cartilage disc:软骨盘 ligament ['liɡəmənt]:韧带 be attached to sth:附着、连结在某物上;对某物有感情
A common way of sitting is with a curved back and slumped shoulders, a position that puts uneven pressure on your spine. Over time, this causes wear and tear in your spinal discs, overworks certain ligaments and joints, and puts strain on muscles that stretch to accommodate your back's curved position. 常见坐姿伴有驼背和肩部下垂,这会带给脊柱不均衡的压力。时间一久,就造成椎间盘的磨损,某些韧带和关节被过度使用,而肌肉为适应背部弯曲的姿势也会过劳损伤。
wear and tear [tɛr]:损耗;磨损 spinal ['spaɪnl]:脊椎的
驼背坐姿压缩胸腔(hunched shape shrinks your chest)
➙ 肺部空间变小(lungs have less space)
➙ 供氧受限(it temporarily limits the amount of oxygen that fills your lungs and filters into your blood)
同时还会压迫肌肉、神经、动脉和静脉(muscles, nerves, arteries and veins),使你常感到肢体麻木肿胀。
In areas that are the most compressed, your nerves, arteries and veins can become blocked, which limits nerve signaling, causing the numbness, and reduces blood flow in your limbs, causing them to swell.
Sitting for long periods also temporarily deactivates lipoprotein lipase, a special enzyme in the walls of blood capillaries that breaks down fats in the blood. So when you sit, you're not burning fat nearly as well as when you move around. 长期坐着还会暂时抑制脂蛋白脂肪酶的作用,这是一种附在毛细血管壁的特殊酶,可以分解血液中的脂肪。所以当你坐着的时候就不能像活动的时候一样燃烧脂肪了。
lipoprotein ['lɪpəprotin] lipase['laɪpez]:脂蛋白脂肪酶 enzyme ['ɛnzaɪm]:酶 capillary [kəˈpɪlərɪ]:微血管
Being stationary reduces blood flow and the amount of oxygen entering your bloodstream through your lungs. Your brain requires both of those things to remain alert, so your concentration levels will most likely dip as your brain activity slows. 静坐会减少血流量以及通过肺部进入血液的氧气容量。而你的大脑需要这些以保持敏捷,因此久坐会使大脑迟钝,导致集中力下降。
stationary ['steʃənɛri]:静止的;不动的
Recent studies have found that sitting for long periods is linked with some types of cancers and heart disease, and can contribute to diabetes, kidney and liver problems. In fact, researchers have worked out that, worldwide, inactivity causes about nine percent of premature deaths a year — that's over five million people. 最近研究表明,久坐和某些癌症或心脏疾病有关联,可能引发糖尿病、肾脏或肝脏病变。事实上,研究者已经发现每年全球死亡人数中,缺乏运动致死的比例在9%以上(超过五百万人)。
退而求其次,我们教大家一套简单易行的、在办公桌前就可以做的运动,减少久坐危害(easy stretches that eliminate the damage of sitting)!
“4” 字形坐姿
❶ While sitting in your chair, cross your right ankle over your left knee, as if making a figure “4.” 将右脚踝放在左膝盖上,做出一个数字4的形状。
❷ Keep your back as straight as possible as you hinge at your hips.You can even apply a little extra pressure on the right thigh to deepen the stretch, as well. 背部尽可能挺直,以臀部为中心前倾。你也可以向右侧的大腿再施压一点力量来加深你的拉伸程度。 hinge :依...为转移;给...安装铰链 stretch :伸展,延伸 apply...to...:向...涂.../向...施加...
❸ Hold the stretch for about 60 seconds, and then switch sides. 保持这个姿势60秒,然后换到另一边。
❶ Sitting with a tall spine. 坐在椅子上保持脊柱拉长。
❷ Keep your hips parallel to the wall in front of you, as you rotate your torso to the right. 使臀部与墙面平行,然后将躯体向右转。
❸ Place your left hand on the outside of your right thigh to help you rotate. 将左手放在右侧大腿外侧,帮助身体旋转。 颈部运动
❶ Reach and clasp your hands behind your back, as you draw your shoulder blades down your back. 在背后抓住双手,肩胛骨向下用力。
❷ If you can, slightly raise your arms up behind you to increase the stretch. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and release. 如果可以的话,稍微抬高一点你后面的胳膊来增强拉伸。保持30秒然后收回。
❶ Stand in front of your desk and raise your left leg, lifting the left heel towards the buttock.
❷ Grab hold of the back foot and hold the stretch for 20 second, stretching the quads
❶ Stretch out the palms against a wall at shoulder height.
❷ Take a step back and engage the stomach muscles, lowering yourself until you are a couple of inches away from the wall, before pushing yourself back up.
❸ This is a press up that can be done in the office.
Tips for good posture include sitting with your bottom right at the back of the seat, and relaxing the shoulders so they don't elevate or become round.
The stairs are great for an intense workout. Some movement is better than no movement! 爬楼梯是一种强度锻炼。进行一些锻炼总比一点都不锻炼好!
Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. 缺乏运动会损害每个人的身体健康而有方法的锻炼可以帮助我们保持健康,延长寿命。
methodical [mə'θɑdɪkl]:有方法的,成系统的